Netlinking Agency : Boost your popularity via a tailor-made netlinking strategy

Boost your popularity and audience.

Gain positions thanks to an efficient and sustainable strategy, designed by our SEO experts.

What is Netlinking?

Netlinking refers to all the links from external websites that point to a website. A netlinking strategy is based on generating external links from websites sharing a common theme and with a good reputation in order to improve a website's reputation on Google. Indeed, Google highlights websites with a high reputation in its search results.

The objective is therefore to gain popularity, positions, as well as traffic.

How does it work with SmartKeyword?

Definition of a strategy aligned with key objectives

  • Select relevant pages, not all pages need to have external links pointing to them.

  • Analyse the pages’ positionsas, as well as the competitors’ pages.

  • Conclude on the number of links to purchase :

  • Required quality and link profile
  • Price (a high price is not necessarily a guarantee of success!)

       At SmartKeyword, we play it fair and square.


Quality backlinks’ research

Research phase comparing several requirements:

  • Theme of the referring site
  • Domain Authority
  • Traffic
  • Trust Flow & Citation Flow

Anchors check on purchased sponsored articles, in addition to the netlinking brief drafted by a member of the SmartKeyword team.

You’ve got the final say! You approve each link and page content ordered. And off we move on to the next brief. :)

Monitoring the performance of your netlinking campaign

  • Position gains on targeted keywords

  • Links’ monitoring, so you will always be up to date

With our platform you can directly measure the netlinking campaign’s impact through daily position monitoring.

“With SmartKeyword, I no longer have to pay for multiple tool licenses, SemRush, Moz or Majestic. I finally have all my info on one interface!”

Clara, Responsable Acquisition @Privateaser

Feedback from our clients

Marketing managers, traffic managers, SEO specialists... from different sectors and sizes’ companies trust SmartKeyword to manage their SEO projects.

Julien Sylvain
Julien SylvainCEO: Tediber
“When I have a Netlinking campaign to run, I turn to SmartKeyword to buy my backlinks. They have impressive know-how and knowledge in this sector. They’ve never disappointed me and I don’t think they ever will. Thank you SmartKeyword for your work!”
Cindy Bringuier
Cindy BringuierOncovia: CEO
“My experiences with SmartKeyword have always brought satisfaction. They know how to choose the right backlinks and the results which come out are amazing. In my last experience with them, my traffic was boosted by two, and this allowed me to achieve a lot. Thank you very much, SmartKeyword!”
Clara Penalba
Clara PenalbaPrivateaser: Acquisition Manager
“I ran my Netlinking with SmartKeyword. In addition to having great results thanks to those backlinks, we work out together the strategies to put into place. I understand where I am putting my budget because they are transparent about it. I really recommend the SmartKeyword team.”

A netlinking agency to develop your netlinking strategy and campaign

Do you have a website, an e-commerce site or a blog and want to boost its visibility on the Web? Then you need to implement a sustainable SEO strategy based on the 3 main levers of natural referencing: technique, content and netlinking. This last lever is the most powerful of all because it really forges the popularity of a domain name. It is the link between all the optimisations that you carry out on-site. While it is the most powerful, it is also the most risky. In terms of netlinking, there is a before and after 2012! It was in fact in 2012 that the Google Penguin filter filter, which is responsible for monitoring artificial backlinks. From now on, links created artificially by advertisers and SEOs are closely scrutinised by the robots and can lead to a severe algorithmic penalty on the entire domain. This is why the implementation of a netlinking strategy should be entrusted to a netlinking agency, which will be able to evaluate your existing link profile and find different opportunities for relevant and safe backlinks.

What are the advantages offered by link-building agencies?

To create a mesh of backlinks and improve the popularity of a website, netlinking agencies implement a link-building strategy. This methodology makes it possible to obtain links that meet Google's criteria.

Entrusting your netlinking strategy to a specialised agency ensures that you acquire quality links. Real natural links are very complex to obtain. Indeed, website publishers have long understood the interest of selling backlinks. This backlink business is nowadays subject to numerous abuses. By working with a reputable netlinking agency, you can be sure of the quality of your links.

Netlinking is one of the most time-consuming aspects of SEO. From searching for potential publishers, to editing copywriting briefs, to monitoring publications, you will have to leave some of your day-to-day operational actions behind. By entrusting your backlinks campaign to a netlinking agency, you will save a considerable amount of time and quickly make the cost of the campaign profitable.

Netlinking strategy and audit

A netlinking strategy cannot be improvised. It requires a detailed analysis of the existing situation in order to identify blockages and gaps in terms of links.

A netlinking audit requires a backlink analysis tool that offers a lot of data on link types, link numbers, referring domains and link history. A netlinking audit can only be done on an existing domain. A new domain, by definition, will not receive backlinks. For some recent sites, the audit can be quite quick if it has few referring domains. On the other hand, an older domain, which receives thousands of links, may require many steps in order to highlight good links, toxic links and gaps.

A netlinking campaign consists of 4 stages, all of which are essential and decisive.

Link profile analysis

The first step is to analyse the existing link profile. Who are the sites that link to you? Are they themselves popular with search engine spiders? Do the links look natural or do they look like spam links? Are the link anchors used varied or are they over-optimised? Are the majority of links in follow, nofollow, text or image links? These are all questions that need to be answered to understand the link profile of a domain name. 

The quality domain name

To evaluate the quality of a domain name, we follow two main indicators: the trust index of the domain (and/or the url) and the number of links received by the domain. The methods for calculating these two indices are specific to each tool. But other metrics have become very important in recent years, such as traffic, mentions on social networks, comments etc. 

Different sources

To achieve a quality link profile, it is crucial to vary the referring domains. In terms of netlinking, it is better to have 10 links on 10 referring domains, than 100 links on one domain. The variety of domain names, coupled with their quality, are two indices taken into account by Google's robots to evaluate the legitimacy and power of a link.

The theme

If before 2012, all links had the same weight regardless of the theme of the referring domain, today it is the opposite! A good link is a link located on a domain with the same theme as yours or, failing that, a complementary theme. A link that comes from a site whose theme is too far from yours will not necessarily be penalised, but it will have no weight and will not bring you the popularity you are hoping for.

Once your links have been published by the various publishers, the work is not over. It is important to monitor these links to ensure that they comply with the conditions set (follow linkanchor, landing page, etc.) and that they remain on the site throughout its life.

Monitoring of your keyword positioning

A follow-up of the positionings and traffic is necessary to make sure that the backlinks did not make Google's radars ring and that your keywords progress significantly. This monitoring must of course focus on the various target pages that have been set for the netlinking campaign, but it must also be more global. Remember that a Google algorithmic penalty can affect the entire domain.

Any more questions? 🙂

Backlinks are hypertext links for Internet users to go from website A to website B. They are also used by crawler robots in order to explore the web and discover new pages or websites to be indexed.

Backlinks allow to develop the popularity of a website in order to obtain a better natural referencing. They are the witnesses of the relevance of a website. Search engines analyse the links pointing to a site as an index of popularity. The more backlinks a website has, the more popular it will be. However, quantity is not everything, these links must be of quality and meet certain criteria.

First of all, not all links carry the same weight in Google's eyes. Several criteria will determine if a link is judged qualitative or not. Here is a list of the elements to follow, along with some examples:

  • The source page: a backlink must come from a web page with the same theme as you, there must be a logical link (yes!) between the source and the recipient.

If a bike salesperson links to a hair salon website, the relevance between the two is too far-fetched.

  • theThe source page’s quality: the link must come from a popular page. In other words, one that has a high PageRank. A link is considered good if it comes from a page that has a Trust Flow of reaching at least 40 (this score ranges from 0 to 100). So, if a website has strong authority and mentions you, you gain credibility in Google’s eyes, and likewise increase your website’s authority.
  • The website's position on Google: indeed, if there is proof of trust placed and visible by Google, it’s good to give you a good place in the search results. This is a criterion increasingly taken into account by SEOs since it’s also synonymous with traffic.
  • Where the link is placed: not all pages on a website have the same importance, strength or weight. That’s why homepages are often the strongest pages since they receive the most external links. You should also pay attention to the link’s location on the page. Indeed, it must be contextualized, in other words it has to be located in the page’s editorial content, and preferably at the beginning of the page.
  • Sources’ diversification: this criterion corresponds to the links’ quantity. The rule to follow here is very simple: it’s better and more efficient to have 100 links from different sources rather than 100 links from a single website.
  • The choice of the link’s anchor text i.e. the clickable text part on which the link is inserted, must be themed. It should describe and correspond to the content that the Internet user will find on the link’s destination page. You must avoid over-optimizing link anchors, because in that case you could be sanctioned by Google. We mean using the same anchor containing the targeted keyword on all backlink.

Absolutely not. You need to define the strategic keywords before embarking on a netlinking campaign.

There is no rule to follow in terms of duration for a netlinking campaign. In most cases, this type of operation is the subject of a personalised diagnosis. A campaign often lasts several months. Several parameters must be taken into account to determine the exact duration of the campaign, such as: the quality and profile of the links to be selected, comparing different indicators (domain authority, trust flow, citation flow).

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