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Terms and conditions



Les Parties conviennent des définitions suivantes :

« Anomalie » : désigne tout dysfonctionnement ou non-conformité de la Solution par rapport à sa destination et à ses spécificités techniques, et qui empêche le fonctionnement normal de la Solution ou qui provoque un traitement inadapté.

« Anomalie Bloquante » : désigne toute Anomalie rendant impossible l’utilisation de tout ou partie de la Solution.

"Performance Schedule" means, where applicable, the schedule set by the Parties for the performance of the services covered by the order placed by the Customer. The Schedules of Performance agreed between the Parties may only be modified with the agreement of the Parties.

« Contrat » : désigne l’ensemble des dispositions énoncées dans le présent document et ses annexes, et, le cas échéant, les documents qui viendraient compléter, modifier ou se substituer au présent document. La validation de tout devis établi par ELO-SOLUTIONS vaut pleine et entière acceptation des présentes.

« Correction définitive » : désigne l’action curative définitive appliquée à la Solution en vue de remédier de manière permanente à une Anomalie. La Correction définitive est apportée par un patch ou par une mise à jour ou, dans le cas d’une mauvaise utilisation, par une instruction de Elo-Solutions.

"Identifiers": refers to both each User's own identifier ("login") and the connection password ("password") allowing access to and use of the Solution.

"Update": means an evolution of all or part of the Solution integrating corrections of Anomalies and/or improvements of existing functionalities and/or performances.

"Services": refers to all the services and software solutions that ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to provide to the Client in execution of the order placed by the latter.

« Solution » : désigne la solution logicielle d’automatisation de SEO dénommée « SmartKeyword » conçue, développée et éditée par la société ELO-SOLUTIONS mise à disposition du Client en mode SaaS.

« Solution de Contournement » : désigne l’action curative provisoire permettant de pallier une Anomalie et de restaurer la Solution en état de marche conformément à ses Spécifications.

« Spécifications » : désigne les fonctionnalités, niveaux de fiabilité et de capacité, normes et standards techniques et plus généralement l’ensemble des caractéristiques auxquelles la Solution doit répondre.

« Utilisateur » : désigne toute toute personne physique dûment autorisée par le Client à utiliser la Solution et signalée comme telle à ELO-SOLUTIONS conformément aux termes des présentes.

The terms mentioned above in the singular shall also be understood in the plural and vice versa depending on the context.

2. Objet

The purpose of the Contract is to define the terms and conditions:

(i) qui s’imposent au Client et aux Utilisateurs souhaitant accéder à la solution et utiliser les Services qui y sont proposés ; et

(ii) selon lesquels ELO- SOLUTIONS fournira les Services au Client et aux Utilisateurs.


The Contract is concluded for an initial period, the duration of which is indicated in the quote.

At the end of the Initial Period, the Parties agree that unless one of the Parties terminates the contract before the end of the Initial Period or the current Renewal Period, the contract will be renewed for successive periods of the same duration as the Initial Period.

Par dérogation à ce qui précède, il est expressément convenu que dans l’hypothèse où la Période Initiale serait d’une durée supérieure à six (6) mois, la partie souhaitant résilier le Contrat devra en informer l’autre par tous moyens écrits respectant un préavis de deux (2) mois avant le terme de la période contractuelle en cours. A défaut, le contrat sera reconduit pour une durée identique à celle de la Période Initiale.


4.1 Le Client pourra demander au cours du Contrat toute modification des Services, sans pour autant être autorisé à en réduire le périmètre. Par conséquent, aucune demande de modification émise par le Client ne saurait remettre en cause, à la baisse, le prix convenu au titre du présent Contrat, ceci quand bien même le Client ne souhaiterait plus bénéficier de l’un des Services initialement commandés.

In the event that these modifications imply an increase in the price or in the time required for completion, ELO-SOLUTIONS shall prepare, as soon as possible, an estimate indicating the feasibility, the detailed, firm and definitive price as well as the time required for completion and the resulting consequences for the Contract.

ELO-SOLUTIONS shall undertake the modifications concerned only after the signature of an amendment to the Contract by the Parties.

Generally speaking, any modification of this Contract shall only be made in a written document signed by both Parties.

4.2 Tant que le Contrat sera en vigueur, le Client pourra, en fonction de ses besoins, confier à ELO-SOLUTIONS des prestations complémentaires non initialement prévues au Contrat et en relation avec l’objet de ce dernier.

In the event that the Client wishes to entrust ELO-SOLUTIONS with additional services, the Client will send ELO-SOLUTIONS a request for a quote indicating its needs. ELO-SOLUTIONS will send the Client an estimate indicating in particular:

(i) la nature des prestations proposées en réponse au besoin exprimé par le Client;

(ii) les délais de réalisation à compter de l’acceptation du devis par le Client;

(iii) le prix détaillé, ferme et définitif des prestations concernées.

All estimates will be established free of charge by ELO-SOLUTIONS.

Before ELO-SOLUTIONS begins to provide additional services, the corresponding estimates must be accepted by the Client in the form of an order.

Once ordered, the services will be performed by ELO-SOLUTIONS in accordance with the terms of the Contract and the order in question.


The Parties agree to cooperate closely and in good faith. If during the performance of the Services a difficulty should arise, the collaboration desired by the Parties commits them to consult each other in order to implement a suitable solution to resolve the difficulty as soon as possible, giving priority to the necessary continuity of the Services as well as maximum responsiveness. The Parties declare and acknowledge that they are and will remain throughout the duration of this Contract independent commercial and professional partners, each assuming the risks of their own operations and acting in complete independence.


Au jour de la signature des présentes, le Client désignera parmi les membres de son personnel un ou plusieurs Administrateur(s) (ci-après nommé « Administrateur ») dont il communiquera à ELO-SOLUTIONS les nom, prénom et adresse e-mail professionnelle(s) complète(s).

The Administrator will be responsible for coordinating and monitoring the use of the Solution by the Users.

The Client agrees to provide ELO-SOLUTIONS with accurate, up-to-date and complete information.

The Customer acknowledges that he/she is fully responsible for keeping the passwords provided to him/her confidential.

The Client will be the legal representative of the Users and will thus be responsible to ELO-SOLUTIONS for the respect of the present terms and conditions by each of the Users having a user or administrator account.

In the event of fraudulent use of an account, the Client agrees to immediately inform ELO-SOLUTIONS of the unauthorized use of its account.

The Customer is solely responsible for the use of its account; any connection or data transmission made using the Customer's account will be deemed to have been made by the Customer and under its exclusive responsibility. It is also specified that the Customer is entirely and exclusively responsible for the use of the Solution by any third party whatsoever.

The User is solely responsible for the use of the Solution from his equipment; any connection or data transmission made using the Solution will be deemed to have been made by him and under his responsibility as well as, where applicable, under the responsibility of the Client.

L’accès à la Solution se réalise :

  • from Users' terminals; and
  • by means of the User's identifiers.

With the exception of maintenance periods, the User will be able to connect to the Solution at any time, namely :

  • 24 hours a day,
  • 7 days a week,
  • including Sundays and holidays.

The Identifiers are intended to restrict access to the Solution to Users only, to protect the integrity and availability of the Solution, as well as the integrity, security, availability and confidentiality of the Customer's data.

The Identifiers are personal and confidential. They can only be changed at the request of the Client or at the initiative of ELO-SOLUTIONS, subject to informing the Client in advance.

The Customer undertakes to make every effort to keep secret the Identifiers concerning him and his Users and not to disclose them in any form whatsoever.

Generally speaking, the Customer assumes responsibility for the security of individual workstations accessing the Solution.

In case of loss or theft of one of the Identifiers, the Client will use the procedure set up and communicated by ELO-SOLUTIONS for this purpose allowing him to recover these Identifiers.

All costs relating to access to the Solution, whether hardware, software, Internet access or any user fees, shall be borne exclusively by the Client.

The Customer is solely responsible for the proper functioning of the computer and/or telephone equipment of the Users as well as their access to the Internet.

ELO-SOLUTIONS uses all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure quality access to the Solution, but is under no obligation to do so. ELO-SOLUTIONS is not in a position to guarantee the continuity of services performed remotely via the Internet, telecommunication networks or mobile Internet, which the Client acknowledges.

ELO-SOLUTIONS cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond reasonable control, which would prevent or degrade access to the Solution.

Nevertheless, ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to use its best efforts to provide reasonable assurance that the Client can access and use the Solution during the hours specified herein.

ELO-SOLUTIONS reserves the right to temporarily suspend or modify without notice access to all or part of the Solution, in order to ensure maintenance, or for any other reason, without the interruption giving rise to any obligation or compensation.


ELO-SOLUTIONS guarantees that it will provide the Services by taking the necessary precautions in accordance with the professional practices and standards applicable in the matter, in a constant, competent and professional manner and that it will act in conformity with the applicable legal provisions relating to the provision of the Services.

ELO-SOLUTIONS s’engage à :

  • demander au Client tout renseignement ou information qu’il jugerait nécessaire à la fourniture des Services ;
  • notify the Client in writing as soon as it becomes aware of any element, event or act likely to affect the proper performance of its obligations;
  • Designate a person in charge who will be responsible for monitoring the proper functioning of the Services;
  • to set up in due course a qualified team for the execution of the Services, whose members will remain permanently under its legal subordination. ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to avoid, as far as possible, changing its personnel assigned to the execution of the Services;
  • the Services present all the conditions and security measures in accordance with the rules of the art in order to guarantee the confidentiality, security, integrity and conservation of the data of the Customer and the Users.

ELO-SOLUTIONS declares that it has implemented effective controls to protect against unauthorized physical and electronic access to the servers, to ensure that access to the Client's data is limited to authorized persons only, and that the Client's and Users' confidential information is protected from unauthorized use.

In any case, ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to ensure that the Solution and the Services present all the conditions and security measures in accordance with the rules of the art in order to guarantee the confidentiality, security, integrity and conservation of the Client's data.

In general, ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to take all measures and to provide all the necessary means for the execution of its obligations by taking the necessary precautions in accordance with professional practices and standards applicable in the matter, in a constant, competent and professional manner.


The Client agrees to collaborate actively and in good faith with ELO-SOLUTIONS in order to facilitate the latter's interventions, notably by (i) communicating to it, at its request, the documents, information, tools and authorizations necessary for the provision of the Services and, as soon as it becomes aware of them, all new elements likely to influence the provision of the Services, (ii) by informing, as soon as possible, of any errors or malfunctions affecting the work carried out during the execution of the Contract in order to limit the possible consequences that these errors or malfunctions could have and (iii) by proceeding, if necessary, with the validations that are incumbent upon it within the deadlines that are assigned to it or, in the absence of specific deadlines, within deadlines that do not jeopardise the fulfilment of the obligations incumbent upon ELO-SOLUTIONS


ELO-SOLUTIONS will set up a dedicated execution environment for the Client to operate the Solution and ensure its proper functioning.

In this respect, ELO-SOLUTIONS will provide the Client with :

(i) un ensemble de matériels et équipements en bon état de marche ainsi que les services permettant d’héberger la Solution et d’assurer son fonctionnement tels que, notamment, surface de stockage, alimentation et continuité électrique, climatisation, sécurité incendie, sécurité d’accès, et

(ii) l’interconnexion entre le réseau du Client et le réseau d’ELO-SOLUTIONS ou, le cas échéant, du tiers hébergeur désigné par lui et dont il demeure solidairement responsable (dans le cas d’un hébergement chez un tiers, ELO-SOLUTIONS devra gérer la connexion entre le réseau de ce tiers et le Client).

Les prestations délivrées par ELO-SOLUTIONS ne comprennent pas :

– la fourniture du matériel informatique, internet, télématique et des consommables permettant au Client de se connecter à la Solution ;

– les travaux de connexion électrique et à Internet chez le Client ;

– la maintenance du matériel informatique et télématique et plus généralement de produits ou services non spécifiés dans le Contrat, ceci à l’exception de tout matériel hébergé chez ou par ELO-SOLUTIONS;

– tous autres services qui ne sont pas décrits dans le Contrat.

A description of the accommodation will be provided to the Client on request.

ELO-SOLUTIONS is not able to guarantee the continuity of services performed remotely via the Internet, which the Client acknowledges and accepts.


Each time that, during the term of the Contract (or in the event of renewal, for the entire period for which the Client has subscribed to maintenance), the Client notes a fault, it may request ELO-SOLUTIONS to provide those services defined below, the purpose of which is to restore the proper functioning of the Solution.

Dans le cadre du support et de la maintenance, le Client aura accès à une adresse électronique d’ELO-SOLUTIONS pour poser à ELO-SOLUTIONS les questions relatives à l’utilisation et au fonctionnement de la Solution et/ou pour signaler toute Anomalie de manière continue, via la Solution par messagerie ou par email à l’adresse ;

Before any request to ELO-SOLUTIONS, the Client must proceed to the qualification of the Anomaly noted (Blocking or Non-blocking) and its degree of gravity.

ELO-SOLUTIONS will then proceed to an analysis of the Anomaly reported by the Client in order to (i) confirm the nature and the seriousness of the Anomaly, (ii) identify the origin of the Anomaly and its imputability, and (iii) determine the nature of the most appropriate response to bring to the Client to remedy it.

In the event that the analysis carried out by ELO-SOLUTIONS reveals that the Anomaly noted by the Client is attributable to ELO-SOLUTIONS, ELO-SOLUTIONS undertakes to remedy the Anomalies in such a way as to restore the Solution to a state of operation in conformity with its Specifications at the date of the Anomaly.

In the event of a Blocking Anomaly, the definitive Correction of the Anomaly or at least a Workaround must be provided to the Customer within the deadlines defined below.

Care and treatment times

Qualification and severity of the Anomaly Time to take charge Resolution time (*)
Blocking and critical (the Solution is unavailable) 6 working hours 12 working hours
Blocking and urgent (the use of the Solution is degraded making it partly impossible) 24 working hours 72 working hours

Limitation of Maintenance

The following are excluded from the Support and Maintenance Services:

  • les prestations liées à la correction des dysfonctionnements causés par une utilisation incorrecte de la Solution par le Client et/ou les Utilisateurs ou tout usage non conforme de la Solution ;
  • les prestations qui se révéleraient ne pas être liées directement à la Solution ;
  • modifications or additions of functionalities related to the evolution of the Customer's internal regulations or to changes in the Customer's interfaces and/or flows;
  • les modifications afférentes à un changement significatif de la configuration matérielle et technique des terminaux sur lesquels la Solution est amenée à être utilisée ;
  • services related to the Client's failure to comply with the recommendations provided by ELO-SOLUTIONS, procedures, safety and cautionary measures, various warnings, appearing in the documentation associated with the Solution;
  • if necessary, any displacement or intervention on the Customer's site;
  • refusal of the Client to collaborate with ELO-SOLUTIONS in the resolution of the Anomalies and in particular to answer the questions and requests for information;
  • use by Users of terminals that are atypical with regard to the standards and main equipment available on the market.

However, ELO-SOLUTIONS can take charge, if possible, of the resolution of the dysfunctions caused by the cases listed above, at the rate of ELO-SOLUTIONS in force at the date of intervention.

ELO- SOLUTIONS is not responsible for maintenance in the following cases:

  • use of the Solution in a manner that does not conform to its intended purpose or documentation;
  • modification non autorisée de tout ou partie de la Solution par le Client, l’Utilisateur ou par un tiers ;
  • failure of the Customer and/or the User to comply with its obligations hereunder;
  • implantation de tous progiciels, logiciels ou système d’exploitation non compatibles avec la Solution ;
  • failure of electronic communication networks ;
  • voluntary act of damage, malice, sabotage ;
  • deterioration due to force majeure or misuse of the Solution.


Following an order from the Client, ELO-SOLUTIONS may provide the Users with their own training on the operation, management and use of the Solution.

ELO-SOLUTIONS will then draw up a training plan describing the content and administration of the training which will be sufficient to enable the Client to achieve its objectives in terms of competence and autonomy in managing and using the Solution.


12.1 Prix

In return for the provision of the Services and the granting of rights referred to in article 15 below, the Client shall pay ELO-SOLUTIONS the firm, fixed and non-revisable sum indicated in the quote.

12.2 Modalités de paiements

ELO-SOLUTIONS will send its requests for installments and invoices to the Client in accordance with the deadlines defined in the quote.

The invoices issued by ELO-SOLUTIONS are payable upon receipt by bank transfer.

Any delay in payment by the Customer may result in the application of penalties equal to 3 times the legal interest rate. In addition, in accordance with the provisions of Article L.441-10 of the Commercial Code, any delay or failure to pay by the due date shall result in the application, by operation of law, of a fixed legal indemnity of 40 euros for collection costs, in addition to the late payment penalties already applicable. In the event that the collection costs incurred by ELO-SOLUTIONS are greater than the amount of this fixed legal indemnity, ELO-SOLUTIONS will be entitled to claim directly from the Client full compensation for the costs incurred for the collection of the outstanding invoices.

In addition, if the Client fails to pay the totality of the sums due to ELO-SOLUTIONS within the contractual timeframe, ELO-SOLUTIONS will send the Client a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or by any other means with a date of receipt, enjoining the Client to proceed with the payment within a period of fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the said letter. In the event that after this period, the Client has not paid the totality of the sums due in principal, interest and costs, ELO-SOLUTIONS will be able to interrupt access to the Solution and will also be authorized to terminate the present Contract, as of right, without prior notice or judicial formality, without prejudice to the right to recover the sums due and all possible damages.


ELO-SOLUTIONS garantit que le fonctionnement de la Solution sera conforme à la description qui en est faite dans la documentation utilisateur applicable qui les accompagne.

ELO-SOLUTIONS guarantees to the Client the peaceful enjoyment of the Solution and guarantees it against any eviction, and against any request from a third party alleging that the Solution provided by ELO-SOLUTIONS and used by the Client infringes its rights or engages its responsibility towards this third party in any other way.


14.1 Responsabilité

In the event that ELO-SOLUTIONS is held liable by the Client following a breach of one of its obligations under the present contract, compensation will only apply to direct, personal, foreseeable and certain damages.

In the event that ELO-SOLUTIONS is held liable in the context of the Contract, the amount of damages awarded to the Client may not exceed, all damages combined, the amount of the sums paid by the Client to ELO-SOLUTIONS under the Contract during the last six (6) months preceding the occurrence of the damage suffered by the Client.

In addition, ELO-SOLUTIONS cannot be held responsible for any indirect damage suffered by the Client as well as for loss of profit, loss of operation or damage to the image.

ELO-SOLUTIONS will make regular backups of the Client's data for restoration purposes in case of malfunction of its data centers. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Client is responsible for ensuring the backup of its data that it uses as part of its use of the Solution. ELO-SOLUTIONS cannot be held responsible for the loss, alteration or destruction of the Client's data.

Dans le cadre de la fourniture de prestations dites de « netlinking », il est expressément convenu entre les Parties que, dès lors qu’elle n’en sera pas l’auteur et qu’il respectera les indications données, le cas échéant par le Client, tout contenu relatif au Client, ses activités, ses produits et services, qui serait publié sur des sites tiers ne saurait pouvoir engager la responsabilité d’ELO-SOLUTIONS à quelque titre que ce soit.

14.2 Assurance

Each Party undertakes to insure itself and to maintain in force its insurance contract with a solvent insurance company established in France, for the pecuniary consequences of its civil, professional, tort and/or contractual liability due to bodily injury, material and immaterial damage caused to the other Party and to any third party within the framework of the performance of this Contract.

The lack of insurance or the inadequacy of the amounts guaranteed does not exonerate or limit the responsibility and guarantees due by ELO-SOLUTIONS.


15.1 Pre-existing rights

Each of the Parties retains ownership of the software, patents, know-how, knowledge and any intellectual property rights belonging to it on the date this Agreement comes into force.

15.2 Rights to the Solution

ELO-SOLUTIONS retains all intellectual property rights attached to the Solution.

ELO-SOLUTIONS grants to the Client for the duration of the Contract a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use the Solution worldwide, in SaaS mode via a connection to an electronic communications network and in accordance with its intended purpose.

This license includes all the rights required by the Customer for the operation and use of the Solution and all the application services attached to it by the Users.

This license is granted for the sole and unique purpose of allowing Users to use the Solution in the context of their professional activity, to the exclusion of any other purpose.

Users may only use the Solution for their professional needs, to the exclusion of all others, and in accordance with its purpose and documentation.

The Client may not under any circumstances make the Solution available to a third party other than the Users and is strictly forbidden from any other use, in particular and without this list being restrictive, any adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, distribution, decompilation without the express, written and prior agreement of ELO-SOLUTIONS.

The Client and/or the User also refrain, without obtaining the prior written authorization of ELO-SOLUTIONS, from using the Solution for promotional purposes or for marketing its products and services and, in general, from proposing products and services that remunerate it directly or indirectly.

The Customer acknowledges that he/she is fully aware of the particular risks linked to the specificities of the Internet and the networks and accepts them.

ELO-SOLUTIONS offers no guarantee that the uninterrupted operation and/or continuity of the Solution can be ensured in case of force majeure or fortuitous events as defined by the regulations in force

ELO-SOLUTIONS guarantees to the Client that the Solution does not violate any intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to a third party.

If a court were to consider, by virtue of a decision that has become definitively enforceable, that all or part of the Solution, or any document prepared by ELO-SOLUTIONS within the framework of the Contract constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to a third party, ELO-SOLUTIONS shall then, at ELO-SOLUTIONS's option and to the exclusion of any other remedy for the Client, take all necessary steps to remedy the infringement:

  • soit obtenir, à ses frais et sans délai, le droit pour le Client et les Utilisateurs de continuer à utiliser la Solution et les documents concernés ;
  • soit substituer aux éléments incriminés de nouveaux éléments agréés par le Client et non contestés par les tiers ;
  • or reimburse the Customer for the price received for the items concerned.

15.3 Droits sur les travaux remis par ELO-SOLUTIONS dans le cadre de l’exécution de prestations de conseil

Sans préjudice des stipulations de l’article 15.2 ci-avant, tous les droits de propriété intellectuelle attachés aux documents, rapports, analyses réalisés au titre du Contrat et livrés au Client (ci-après dénommés ensemble les « Travaux »), seront cédés à titre exclusif au Client, à compter et sous réserve du parfait paiement des sommes dues à ELO-SOLUTIONS par le Client.

Under this transfer, ELO-SOLUTIONS transfers to the Client for the entire legal duration of protection of the said rights and for the entire world, all the intellectual and industrial property rights attached to the said Works, namely the rights :

(i) de reproduction et d’utilisation pour quelque usage que ce soit, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sur quelque support que ce soit et pour quelque exploitation que ce soit ;

(ii) de représentation et de diffusion de quelque façon que ce soit, sur quelque support et via quelque réseau que ce soit ;

(iii) d’adaptation, de modification, de correction, de développement, d’intégration et de transcription de quelque manière et sous quelque forme que ce soit et

(iv) d’exploitation, de distribution et de commercialisation de quelque façon que ce soit.


16.1. Use of personal data

The Company Elo-Solutions, responsible for processing within the meaning of the General Regulation on Data Protection n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) and the Law known as "Informatique et Libertés" n°78-17 of 6 January 1978, undertakes to comply with its obligations in terms of personal data protection.

It uses Customer and User data in a responsible and confidential manner.

Personal data is information relating to a natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, either from the information itself or by crossing several pieces of information.

A processing operation is any operation that relates to personal data, such as consultation, use, organisation, modification or deletion.

The collection, use and storage of personal data via a contact form is necessary for Elo-Solutions to respond to Customer inquiries and to provide the traffic monitoring service.

The categories of data processed are as follows:

  • last name, first name, e-mail address, telephone number. This data is used for the sole purpose of informing and communicating with the Client, as well as allowing him to connect to SmartKeyword services if he is a subscriber. This data is only accessible to Elo-Solutions staff authorized to respond to contact requests.
  • Google credentials. These data are collected in the process of parameter setting of the online tool ( and are used only with an aim of collecting the metrics of traffic necessary to the operation of the application. This data is encrypted, and is only accessible to the technical personnel of the Company Elo-Solution authorized to carry out actions of investigation and support.
  • The data collected is kept for the time needed to process the contact request and for the contractual relationship if it is established.
  • At the end of this period, the company Elo-Solutions can preserve these data in an archiving base, and this, during the legal prescription period, with the only aim of preserving its rights in the event of a possible litigation.

16.2. Rights of the Customer and Users

The Customer and the Users have the possibility to :

  • Request access to their data;
  • Ask for the rectification of their data;
  • Request the deletion of their data;
  • Ask to limit the processing of their data;
  • To oppose the processing of their data;
  • Define guidelines for what happens to their data after their death.

If the Customer or a User wishes to exercise these rights, the request may be sent to the following email address:

The Company Elo-Solutions will send the Client a response within one (1) month maximum from receipt of the request.

If the Customer believes that his/her data is not being processed in accordance with the applicable Regulations, a complaint may be filed with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). This is the supervisory authority responsible for matters relating to the processing of personal data. The CNIL can be contacted at 3, Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, by telephone at 01 53 73 22 22, and on its website:


Each of the Parties undertakes to keep strictly confidential all information communicated to it as such by the other Party or of which it may become aware in the course of the performance of this Contract.

Each of the Parties shall therefore refrain from disclosing the aforementioned information, during the entire term of the Contract, for any reason whatsoever, except upon injunction by a Court or a government authority or unless the information in question has fallen into the public domain.

Each Party also undertakes to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Article by all its personnel concerned, for whom it shall be responsible to the other Party.

The obligation of confidentiality shall apply for the duration of the Contract and shall survive the expiration or termination of the Contract for a period of two (2) years.


18.1 Résiliation pour manquement

In case of non-compliance by the Client and the Users with the stipulations of article 15, the Contract may be terminated in advance by ELO-SOLUTIONS.

This cancellation will take place within 15 days following receipt by the Client of a notification sent by ELO-SOLUTIONS by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt indicating its decision to avail itself of the present clause.

Such termination shall also automatically entail the revocation of the license granted to the Customer hereunder.

Chacune des Parties pourra également résilier le Contrat, de plein droit, en cas de manquement par l’autre Partie à l’une quelconque de ses obligations essentielles au titre du Contrat auquel il ne serait pas remédié dans un délai de quinze (15) jours calendaires suivant la mise en demeure par courrier électronique.

This early termination shall be without prejudice to the right of the non-defaulting Party to obtain compensation for its loss under the conditions provided for in the Contract.

18.2 Conséquence de l’échéance ou de la résiliation du Contrat

In the event of early termination of the Contract attributable to the Client, the latter shall pay to ELO-SOLUTIONS all the sums that would have been due under the Contract if it had been carried out to its term initially agreed upon by the Parties.

In the event of early termination of the Contract attributable to ELO-SOLUTIONS, the Client shall pay ELO-SOLUTIONS for the Services actually completed and for the Services in progress in proportion to their state of progress.

A financial statement will be established by ELO-SOLUTIONS within ten (10) days following the date of termination and will show, on the one hand, the amount of the sums due by the Client and, on the other hand, the sums already paid by the Client. The Party that is deemed to owe the balance must pay it by cheque or bank transfer thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the invoice.


Each Party undertakes to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations concerning the payment of compulsory social security contributions for the employment of its personnel, as well as its declarations and payments to the competent tax authorities.

Each Party undertakes to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions relating to labour law and, more generally, social legislation.

Each Party expressly certifies that, for the execution of the work for which it is responsible, it will use only personnel holding employment contracts that comply with the legislation in force and, more generally, undertakes to comply, with regard to its personnel, with the provisions of Articles L. 1221-10, L. 1221-13, L. 1221-15, L. 3243-1 et seq. and L. 5221-8 of the French Labour Code.

Each Party certifies that it is not acting in violation of the provisions of the Labour Code prohibiting illegal employment and, more specifically, the use of concealed work or the employment of foreign workers without a work permit.

Each Party certifies that it is up to date with its social security declarations with regard to the collection of social security contributions, that it has filed all mandatory tax returns with the tax authorities and that the work will be carried out, where applicable, by employees that it regularly employs with regard to the provisions of the Labour Code.


Suspension of obligations due to force majeure shall not be considered as a fault for non-performance of said obligations and shall not result in the payment of damages or penalties for late payment.

All events outside the control of the Parties and irresistible, making it impossible to perform the obligations, shall be considered as force majeure events. Such events include, but are not limited to, epidemics, pandemics, water damage, lightning, fires, floods, earthquakes, storms and insurrections, electrical network malfunctions, external telecommunication network outages, mobilization or social unrest, strikes, lockouts, and any situation that makes it impossible to access the premises, or any degradation, act of vandalism, or seizure of control of ELO-SOLUTIONS equipment by a third party that is not authorized by ELO-SOLUTIONS


The Client expressly authorizes ELO-SOLUTIONS to quote or include in its communication, and in particular on its Internet site, the name and brand of the Client and the nature of the services provided under the Contract.


The Client is expressly forbidden to solicit for employment or to hire directly or indirectly any member of ELO-SOLUTIONS' staff during the entire duration of the Contract and for a period of three (3) years after its expiry for whatever reason. The Client is responsible for the application of this prohibition to the other companies of the Group to which it belongs. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the violation of this obligation is likely to cause considerable prejudice to ELO-SOLUTIONS and will be considered as a serious breach by the Client entitling it to the immediate and automatic termination of the Contract. In the event of a breach of this prohibition, the Client will be required to immediately pay ELO-SOLUTIONS, as a penalty clause, a fixed indemnity equal to twenty-four (24) months of the last gross monthly salary of the person solicited or hired, plus all costs of recruitment of a replacement.


As this Contract is concluded intuitu personae, the rights and obligations resulting from it may not be assigned or transferred to any person, in any capacity or in any form whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of the other Party.

However, ELO-SOLUTIONS reserves the right to subcontract all or part of the Services, which the Client hereby accepts.

In this case, ELO-SOLUTIONS will remain solely responsible for the execution of the Services by its subcontractors.


24.1 Election de domicile. Les Parties élisent domicile à leur siège social.

24.2 Notification. Toute mise en demeure ou injonction intervenant dans le cadre du présent Contrat devra être effectuée par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception au domicile des Parties.

24.3 Modification. Aucune modification ne pourra être apportée au Contrat autrement que par avenant dûment signé des Parties.

24.4 Indépendance. Les Parties déclarent et reconnaissent qu’elles sont et demeureront, pendant toute la durée du présent Contrat, des partenaires commerciaux et professionnels indépendants, assumant respectivement l’intégralité des frais liés à l’exercice de leurs activités respectives.

24.5 Loi applicable / Juridictions compétentes. Le présent Contrat est régi par le droit français. Tout différend né de l’interprétation ou de l’exécution du Contrat fera l’objet d’une tentative de règlement amiable. Les Parties conviennent à cet effet de se rencontrer pour régler leur différend dans le cadre d’une réunion organisée à l’initiative de l’une quelconque des Parties. A défaut de solution amiable sous un délai d’un (1) mois à compter de la tenue de la réunion précitée, tous les litiges auxquels le présent Contrat pourrait donner lieu, concernant tant sa validité, son interprétation, son exécution, sa résiliation, leurs conséquences et leurs suites seront soumis à la compétence des tribunaux du ressort de la Cour d’appel de Paris.


The Parties expressly agree that the contractual documents consist of:

(i) du présent document et son Préambule ;

(ii) le devis

The contractual documents listed above constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its subject matter and supersede all prior representations, negotiations, undertakings, oral or written communications, acceptances, understandings and agreements between the Parties with respect to the same subject matter.

It is expressly stipulated that the Customer's general terms and conditions of purchase or any other similar document, issued or usually used by the Customer, are not applicable.

En cas de contradiction ou de divergence entre plusieurs documents contractuels, ces documents prévalent dans l’ordre dans lesquels ils sont énumérés ci-après :

  • Le devis ou la commande ;
  • This document.
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